Masters update.
Heather Philp Heather Philp

Masters update.

The evening soirée to preview my Final Major Project for my Masters of Fine Art. The work can now be viewed by appointment in Oxford.

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RHS Wisley
Heather Philp Heather Philp

RHS Wisley

Craft in Focus is up and running at RHS Wisley from Nov 10th -14th. It’s wonderful to be exhibiting and selling alongside an amazingly talented group of artisans. I have been selling my original oil paintings, giclée reproductions and gift cards. I still have some great pieces left so come down and grab a new art work to change a room around for the Christmas/ New Year period.

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Craft in Focus, here we come…
Heather Philp Heather Philp

Craft in Focus, here we come…

My goodness it's October already! My monthly blog has deteriorated before it even started. Thank goodness I hadn't committed to a weekly Blog or I would be wallowing in self doubt and failure. As it is....acceptance of how busy and irregular my life is.

I have been out and about taking snaps of this gorgeous country as it displays its glory of Spring and Summer, and now the autumn changes are starting. We have been here almost a year, which has flown past with the craziness of COVID19, and we are still in love with all we see. Life is different to anything we expected but my Polyanna side embraces whatever comes, being determined to always see the joy.

There are 8 new paintings on the way now, hopefully to be ready for my first showing with Craft in Focus at Crowthorne on October 29-31st. The image here is a sneak preview.

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Artweeks done and dusted
Heather Philp Heather Philp

Artweeks done and dusted

Oxfordshire Artweeks is now done and dusted and the experience was so valuable for me starting up and reinventing myself as an artist in another country. It was great to see what other artists in the area are doing and to make some connections.

The month also returned some more achievements: short listed in The Artists' Lounge "In the History" competition, plus the Judges' Choice Award for "Discovering Bridges" in an International Juried competition.

So the next project is preparing for the Blenheim Palace Flower Show where I will have a number of my works on display for sale.

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Spring in Oxford, UK
Heather Philp Heather Philp

Spring in Oxford, UK

What a ride we have been on! Arriving in the UK one day before increased restrictions followed straight after with lockdown, which we have been in until a few weeks ago. It's funny how it affects people, being forced to keep away from each other and stay at home. I love being home but after 5 months it was seriously getting to me. I thought it would be a perfect chance to sort out my business, spend loads of time in the studio and be very productive but there were so many days where I just couldn't focus. I have managed to get some work out there but it certainly hasn't been what I expected.

However, last month I won two awards for some work in International juried online competitions, was accepted into Camelback's online gallery for a year starting with a Featured Artist spread and today was the opening on a group exhibition I'm in for Oxfordshire Artweeks. Things are happening.

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Sea change, life change
Heather Philp Heather Philp

Sea change, life change

This world in 2020 has been a challenge in terms of being an artist and maintaining a business. I have been fortunate in having someone supporting me throughout. Added to our disruption however was selling our home and planning a move to another country for both our business, during a pandemic.'s happening and we are on our way. First stop Sydney for a few days then off to the UK as their cold weather sets in. It's probably an advantage to arrive in winter as it will be easier to hunker down and re establish my business in its new environment. Watch this space for pics of the new studio in Oxford!

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